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Revisiting Ron Price

SAUGATUCK – The sun is about to set over Lake Michigan. Ron Price sits at a picnic table on a beach near Saugatuck, where he often comes to relax. Below the sleeve of his T-shirt is a tattoo of a Bible verse, Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Price, 28, says his political views are guided by his Christian faith, and that faith led him to vote for and continue to support Donald Trump.

“Deep down in my heart, I think he’s doing a good job,” Price said.

Two days after the November election, Price said he hoped America could heal the division of the bitter campaign.

Read how Ron Price felt in January.

"The election was a completely polarizing event,” he said. “The people I tend to associate with, I still feel we’re united.” But he’s not so sure people on the other end of the political spectrum feel the same. “If you like Trump, you’re considered racist," he said. "If you favor building the wall, you're considered racist.”

The mainstream media have been too critical of Trump’s every move, Price said, and, as for Russia’s interference in the election, “until they show proof, it’s nothing.”

RELATED: Fireworks, parades, and a partisan divide that won’t go away

Not that he approves of everything Trump has done since taking office. He’d rather he hadn’t bombed Syria, since “he ran on a platform of no more endless wars,” and he’d prefer the president think before he tweets. Still, the stock market is up, and his own business as a sales rep for a company that sells industrial adhesives “is moving in the right direction.”

Price is spending time decorating a home he and his fiancée will live in after they are married. He’s cut back on visiting alt-right websites he was reading before the election, and he’s become more optimistic. He still thinks Trump should cut taxes, repeal Obamacare and build the wall, and Mexico should pay for it.

“OK, Trump,” he said. “I’m still with you, but you gotta start working your deals, which you say you’re so good at.

“I would still vote for Trump, absolutely.”

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