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*Would you be willing to pay $30, each month, just to have access to a single channel?

That’s the calculation of how much it would cost for ESPN, if cable TV pricing were based on an a la carte system.

*By the way, cable subscribers, about half of your monthly bill goes just to subsidizing sports and sports coverage.

*Michigan comes out looking quite bad in a new report on public integrity in the 50 states.

We are 48th overall – a bad score driven in no small part by Michigan’s last-place finish on “conflicts of interest” by the Better Government Association.

land-o-FINALAnd why would Michigan  be dead last there? It probably stems from the fact that it is perfectly legal in this state for lobbyists to shower legislators with food, drink and gifts, as Bridge Magazine reported awhile back.

Have you ever heard your state lawmaker explain why it is a good thing that they can accept gifts from lobbyists? They could vote to bar the practice, you know, but they choose not to.

Wonder why?

*Researchers at Michigan State University have some tips for you on how to beat those pesky mosquitoes that come calling at your patio on a summer’s evening.

The secret isn’t chemical, but can be found in the common household closet.

*Advertising in news magazines is headed in an ominous direction.

For the record, Bridge Magazine does not accept advertising.

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