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Land O Links

*Illinois became the 50th state to legalize the carrying of concealed weapons.

As of July 1, the Michigan State Police reported there were 405,412 approved concealed carry licenses in the state. Another 11,900 requests were pending.

While fewer than 4,000 CCLs have been revoked, nearly 66,000 such licenses have expired.

*So often, the statistics from government portray a gloomy situation. That is NOT the case with this decade at a glance chart from the state on vehicle crashes.

In 2012, for example, Michigan had 2.5 percent fewer vehicle miles driven than in 2002, but 26 percent fewer fatalities from vehicle crashes.

A couple of other interesting tidbits:

--Seat belts were in use in half the fatalities.

--Alcohol and/or drugs were involved in about 36 percent of the fatal crashes.

land-o-links*Why does Michigan tax wine more heavily than California, New York, Texas, Ohio and Wisconsin – for starters?

*Of course, that’s nothing compared to what Michigan does with liquor. We are a top 10 state for the excise tax on “spirits.”

Whatever became of the governor’s big review of the state Liquor Control Commission?

*Michigan is quite comfortably MID-western when it comes to federal aid as a share of the overall government budget.

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