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*This was not the kind of national press Gov. Rick Snyder was expecting about his return from a business trip to Israel:

“The move was a snub to Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, who has championed the expansion, which states are entitled to under the Affordable Care Act at little cost to them. It’s expected to provide health care coverage to some additional 470,000 state residents.”

*Michigan is last in the Great Lakes region for child well-being, says the Michigan League for Public Policy in response to the latest version of the KidsCount report.

*Connecticut comes out on top on this measure of human development. Michigan is NOT last in the region on this ranking, beating out Ohio and Indiana.

*The Hudson-Webber Foundation in Detroit was a backer of this lecture at Wayne State University on urban development. Click here to see a video describing what the “Laundromat Project” really is.

land-o-FINAL*Was the recently failed federal agriculture bill bad because it subsidizes an industry that long ago shifted from small farmers to huge agri-corporations, or was it bad because it didn’t impose enough restrictions on how people get federal food aid?

*Longer commutes mean less happiness, according to a new study. This is particularly a problem for those with total commutes of three hours or more, or the equivalent of a Detroit-Lansing run with light traffic each day.

*Another question of national policy: Should taxpayers be upset that the Social Security Administration paid benefits to more than 1,500 dead people? Or should taxpayers be pleased that the SSA correctly pays out to the proper person more than 99 percent of the time?

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